The "OMG it's hot" game

SAN RAMON -- After playing a good tough game at 8:00am, the Huskies needed to go back out for their second game of the tournament at 11:45am. The temperature was much warmer for the afternoon game, with the thermometer reaching 100 degrees.

This was the Huskies second game in about 2 1/2 hours, yet the Mustang Dynamos were playing in their first game of the tournament, so even though both teams had the heat to contend with, the Huskies were already tired before the game even started.

Coach Jim was hoping for a quick score in the first 10 minutes because he didn’t think there was going to be much of a chance after that due to heat exhaustion. The Huskies played hard, but just didn’t have enough in the tank to keep up with the fresher Dynamos. Throughout the game, Coach Jim had to come out and escort at least four different girls off the field after they got hurt. He felt more like a medic than a coach most of the time.

The girls that were out wanted to stay on the sidelines and the girls that were in the game all wanted to come off the field. Due to the conditions, this was just a brutal game. I’m just glad we made it out of there without any major injuries.

The Huskies did lose 0-2, but there was no shame in the loss due to the unusual conditions. Both goals scored by the Dynamos were excellent shots that the goalkeeper had no chance of stopping.

End of Game Awards
blood patch: Drew Dudley, Caitlin Weber, Colleen Tolan, Korah Rose

Season Stats:

Natali Feyzbakhsh 1

Emily Glaser 1