
Earthquake Buddies

Earthquake Families,

While on a 22 mile skate this morning, I had plenty of time to think, as you may imagine, and I thought of something that might be kind of fun for both of my teams. Both my girls are part of a summer swim team called the
Aqua Bears. One of their favorite things about the Aqua Bears is that they get to have a little buddy (or a big buddy if you are a younger swimmer). I realized that I could easily create something similar since I’m coaching both my U9 and U12 teams on the same days back-to-back. So, my thought was to pick at least one day (maybe more if the girls really like it) where the U9 girls stay after practice an extra 15 minutes and the U12 girls come to practice 15 minutes early. I can then have the girls meet their buddies and spend some time getting to know each other. I talked to both of my daughters and they thought it would be a fun thing. They were both coming up with pairings that they thought would go together well.

So, I would like to find out from you all how many of the Earthquakes would be willing to stay late one day (probably Thursday Sept. 25th if there is enough interest) in order to meet their big buddies. I have 12 little girls and 16 big girls, so some of the big girls might have to share, but I don’t think that will be a problem.

So, what do you think? If we’re going to do this, I’ll probably have the little girls bring a sports drink for their big buddy and have the big girls bring a snack of some sorts for their little buddy. If you are interested in participating, please let me know what kind of snack your daughter likes so I can let their big buddy know. Thanks.